FJDynamics introduced its Geospatial and Digital Construction Solution at BAUMA 2022, the world's leading construction machinery trade fair that attracted more than 495,000 visitors from Oct. 24 to Oct. 30.

(Nicola Scotto, FJD marketing manager with 12 years of experience in the LiDAR market, presented Trion S1 to Bauma's audience)

Highlights of the Event

Attracting were the 2D and 3D Excavator Guidance Systems (G21 and G31), the Pile Driver Guidance System (G32), and the Motor Grader Control System (H36).

FJD machine control systems are configured with GNSS and RTK positioning technologies and multiple sensors. They can be used to precisely control excavators, motor graders, bulldozer pavers, pile drivers, cranes, etc. They are recognized as open and compatible solutions that help operators deliver seamless workflow on job sites.

What Is The Solution Comprised Of?

(FJD Geospatial & Digital Construction Solution)

Unfold the solution from 3 layers: Physical, Software, and Management.

-Physical: support various needs and complex job sites with the FJD Geospatial & Digital Construction Products. 

Geo-information is the premise of digital construction. To help surveyors build a solid information foundation, FJD introduced Trion O1, the aerial mapper that captures 1.5 billion pixels per second; Trion S1, the handheld 3D LiDAR scanner that is versatile with surveying scenarios; and Trion V1, the RTK rover that delivers accurate positions even in harsh environments. The digital construction sector mainly consists of the machine control systems we've mentioned above. 

-Software: process data and carry construction process seamlessly with the FJD Mapping & Surveying Software and Machine Control Software.

 FJD Mapping and Surveying software process geospatial data captured by physical products efficiently, while machine control software access geospatial data and based on it, support high-precision construction and connect different systems in various job sites.

 -Management: support production management and decision-making with the FJD Digital Construction Management Platform* FJD Digital Construction Management Platform*

 synchronizes and analyzes geospatial data and construction data. It monitors the whole digital construction process to support production management and decision-making, covering workforce, equipment, materials, progress, etc. 

Meeting the World's Challenges

“The exhibitors are offering solutions to address current challenges related to carbon neutrality and tackle the issue of skilled worker shortages with automation and digitalization. This is the future. You see this with the traditional companies and with the nearly 50 startups at the trade fair for the first time,” said Joachim Schmid, Managing Director of the Construction Machinery and Building Material Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA).

 As a robotics company, FJDynamics echoes the calling of the industry. It's committed to freeing human beings from heavy labor with practical and affordable solutions in labor-intensive industries. 

*Digital Construction Platform is crucial for construction project management. FJDynamics has been devoted to developing it.

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