FJDynamcis presented its electric lineup at Equip Exposition 2022, the sixth-largest trade show in the U.S., and a prestigious show brand that is trusted and loved by the landscape & OPE industry for 15 years. At Kentucky Exposition Center, FJDynamics showcased its Vidar, the smart lawnmower; PowerSec, the 2000W portable power station; and Trion S1, the handheld LiDAR scanner to an audience of more than 25,000, the biggest the event has ever seen according to the organizing committee.

FJD Vidar Was the Highlight of the Event

Among all the FJD exhibits, Vidar, the smart lawnmower, was the one that captured the most attention and demo requests.

Unlike its competitor products on the market, Vidar creates a category of its own: Commercial-grade, 100% electric, and smart. By smart, it means that Vidar is outfitted with GNSS and RTK, the precision technology that has been proven on FJD AT1 Autosteering Kit — the company's flagship product in precision ag, so it can generate a path based on preset boundaries and follow through automatically with centimeter-level accuracy.

"What the audience likes the most about Vidar is that it can run autonomously, has a battery pack that is interchangeable with those in PowerSec, and covers 6 acres on a full charge. With new energy gaining momentum these years and California banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035, we are showing the market what is possible in the lawncare business with Vidar," said Cara, FJD's US-based marketer.

The Why Behind FJD Vidar

"We saw that manual labor was and still remains the factor that weighs down large-scale lawncare businesses — it takes up a significant portion of the cost, and the working environment does not contribute to operators' wellbeing — heat waves, mosquito bites, and waste gas, just to name a few. We saw the problem and figured that we could do something about it with our precision ag technologies. So here we are, revolutionizing the lawncare industry with Vidar, the smart lawnmower that makes lawncare businesses more efficient and environment-friendly," explains Bruce, product manager of the mower.

"Vidar is more of an integrated platform where machinery, satellite navigation, driverless technology, obstacle avoidance, and electronic control come together. In addition to mowing, it can survey the lawn, build 3D models for it, and do maintenance work. Going forward, our mowers will be controlled via a web-based system and execute tasks automatically," continues Bruce.

FJDynamics Is Looking For Dealerships for Vidar

With its commitment to digitalization, automation, and new energy, FJDynamics has been investing in these sectors since its inception. Vidar is the product aligned with its goal of improving working environments with useful and affordable technologies. Get connected with Team Vidar for details of the dealership. 

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