User Case Collection for FJD Autosteering Systems in Japan

FJD Autosteering Systems are widely utilized by farmers in Japan and have helped them increase productivity and crop yield. Now, take a look at what they say about FJD products.

Ikari Farm

Ōmihachiman / Shiga Prefecture
The Japanese instructions on the AT2's panel are straightforward and easy to operate. The setup is simple. There is no need for repeated plowing, reducing the tractor's workload. Fertilization gets easier even for unskilled workers as wheat grows to maturity at later stages.

M's green

Miyaki District / Saga Prefecture
We mainly use it to create furrows for vegetables. I'm satisfied with its stable accuracy. The FJD AT1 autosteering kit makes it possible for inexperienced young operators to drive in a straight line with uniform width. It has become an essential tool in our routine farming tasks.

Takehiro Mada

Saihaku District / Tottori Prefecture
The FJD AT1 autosteering system greatly reduces our physical fatigue during operations. There is no resource waste and uneven application any longer. Our working time is shortened and fuel consumption is reduced.


Yanagawa City / Fukuoka Prefecture
The FJD AT1 system is less expensive and easier to run than those provided by traditional manufacturers. Part-time workers can get started with it quickly after I teach them how to use it.

Cinnouchi Agriculture

 Ogi City / Saga Prefecture 
After installing the AT1 systems on my two GS rice transplanters, I feel very satisfied with the straight-line accuracy. The system is simple to operate and use.

Miyazawa Farm

Kamiina District / Nagano Prefecture
The AT1 is very convenient because it allows me to see the situation behind me. We use it for buckwheat seeding. When digging manually, we can't dig unified ditches. But with the AT1, we can dig consistent V-shaped drainage ditches to ensure smooth drainage. Therefore, we bought our third AT1 on April 24, 2024.

Hongo Agriculture

Railway Track Bed / Mining Area
The AT1 is very convenient because it allows me to see the situation behind me. We use it for buckwheat seeding. When digging manually, we can't dig unified ditches. But with the AT1, we can dig consistent V-shaped drainage ditches to ensure smooth drainage. Therefore, we bought our third AT1 on April 24, 2024. 

Egashira Farm

Kishima District / Saga Prefecture

The FJD AT1 reduces operator fatigue as it is easy to operate. The AT1 makes it easier for me to manage my sowing and post-harvest tasks.

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